
Welcome to Frame The Quilt

Hi! My name is Nanette S. Zeller. I want to introduce you to my online course called, Frame the Quilt.

This course is designed for anyone interested in creating professional-looking framed textile art. I started framing my small art quilts after someone told me that the smaller quilts looked like "pot holders" hanging on the wall. I knew I had to do something better, so I decided to frame my smaller pieces.

When I first started framing my quilts, I hired a local frame shop to build the frames for me. If you've ever hired someone to framed your art, you know how expensive it is. I knew I couldn't keep paying these prices, so I decided to learn how how to do it myself.

In this course, I'll show you how I do it. I'll start first with the basic materials and how to get things ready. Then I'll walk you through my processes, step-by-step. Since life is busy for all of us, I designed the course to go quickly for you. In just 3 lessons (none longer than 19 minutes), you'll have all the information you need to create professional looking framed textile art.

If you have questions any time along the way, please feel free to ask me.

Watch the Intro Video

This video is a short introduction into why I decided to teach myself how to frame my own small art quilts. Although I focus on art quilts, most any small textile artwork could use this same economical process.

Purchase of this course is for individual use only.

©2024 Nanette S Zeller. All rights reserved.
All content, including images, videos, text, etc. belongs to creator Distribution or public display of the content in any form is strictly forbidden.

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